Welcome to Sceap 2021! Here we are in another lockdown and the team wanted to update you on the current situation at the farm.
In this lockdown, therapy, community work and support is able to go ahead. Obviously, this is with the COVID19 restrictions and guidelines firmly in place. We are able to work in our three sided barn, interact with the horses and access the outdoor areas, for the Healing Circle and the walking track. All of these are safe areas and are provided with handwashing facilities, in the barn and the outside toilet, and sanitising gel is available in all areas. There are masks too, if required.
So, is it safe for you to come and see the horses? Yes, it is. We are ensuring that any grooming brushes are cleaned in between visits and in the barn, there is plenty of space to socially distance from each other.
We have been able to offer support to adults and children, to come and have an hour outdoors with the herd and doing creative activities in the barn. We are also offering free taster sessions for anyone in need of support. These can be arranged either by emailing maggie@sceap.co.uk or leaving a message on the website or Facebook account (Staffordshire and Cheshire Equine Assisted Psychotherapy).